
Business and Peacebuilding in Myanmar


With a goal of understanding public perceptions on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and related topics of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Myanmar, the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) commissioned RIWI to conduct a large-scale national survey. In January 2018, RIWI gathered data from over 1,300 corporate practitioners who provided insight into the practices and dealings of small and medium-size firms in Myanmar. Myanmar has traditionally been a very closed society making it difficult for traditional data collection firms to gather data, given its fragility. RIWI’s technology was optimal for this project as it cannot be blocked or censored, and the target population were those with access to a smartphone, which in Myanmar is rapidly increasing.

By comparing the awareness levels of CSR and the SDGs between domestic and international firms in a fragile society, these data informed a current CSR agenda that is more cognizant of domestic political needs. These findings are highlighted in the PRIO report Business and Peacebuilding: Seven Ways to Maximize Positive Impact, providing an innovative and effective data source which is used alongside other data PRIO gathered on the topic in Myanmar.

See the full PRIO report here