When it comes to travel safety, the word “safe” can be highly subjective. Searching on travel websites like TripAdvisor will only offer crowd-sourced information that is not always relevant or useful and is often ruled by popularity. So how do you determine if a city is safe and how do you find reliable destination information prior to your departure?
Europ Assistance USA commissioned RIWI to conduct an international survey to gather some very interesting travel risk management data. The survey was run in nine different languages in 31 countries with over 50,000 respondents between May 23 and June 24, 2013.
Read the Asterisk™ Global Travel Safety Perception Index white paper to find out how 35 major cities around the world ranked based on local perceptions of health and safety. The data captured in this study reinforces how and why RIWI’s RDIT™ methodology provides the most distinctive insights available