Compass by RIWI
and David Woo
RIWI and David Woo Unbound have created four unique and complementary Indexes that gauge the extent of global political, macroeconomic, and geopolitical risk: A Military Conflict Risk Index in five key geopolitical conflict regions, a Cold War Two Index in Russia, the US, and China, a G2 Economic Pulse Index based on Chinese and US consumers, and a G7 Political Pulse Index in the G7 economies. Collectively, they provide investors, policymakers, and other decision makers with otherwise unavailable datafeeds that can allow them to confirm and refute hypotheses and confidently navigate these risks.

The Cold War II Index
The Cold War II Index tracks – in Russia, the US, and China – six public sentiment indicators related to the geopolitical conflict. The Index runs 24/7 and, unlike typical polls in these countries, draws on broad-based, anonymous, non-incented opinion.
The G2 Economic Pulse Index
The G2 Economic Pulse Index tracks the economic sentiment of Chinese and American consumers. The Index utilizes data on monthly spending, employment, perceptions of the current financial situation, and stock market investment plans to generate four monthly predictive indicators.
The Military Conflict Risk Index
The Military Conflict Risk Index measures, on a continuous, real-time basis, the perceptions of military conflict intensification from citizens in five major geopolitical conflicts: Russia-Ukraine, China-Taiwan, India-Pakistan, Iran-Israel, and South Korea-North Korea.
The G7 Political Pulse Index
The G7 Political Pulse Index measures, on a monthly basis, polarization and electoral preferences within each G7 country as key indicators of political stability. The Index uniquely draws on broad-based, anonymous opinion, minimizing biases associated with conventional polling.
Insights From The Compass Series

UK General Elections Tracking 2024

To what degree does polarization threaten political stability in democracies?
Geopolitical and political risk is now THE key headline risk for financial markets.
Currently, tools to navigate geopolitical and political risk are lacking. As a result, macro strategist David Woo and public health and Internet expert Neil Seeman partnered to create this Compass Series of Indexes to guide investors as they navigate today’s complex markets. Data collected as part of these Indexes are continuous and anonymous as a result of RIWI’s proprietary technology.

David Woo
David Woo is the CEO of David Woo Unbound, a global forum devoted to the promotion of fact-based debates about markets, politics, and economics. Woo was previously the Head of Global Interest Rates, Foreign Exchange, Emerging Market Fixed Income & Economics Research at Bank of America, where he researched the world financial markets. Learn More about David Woo