Where is RIWI traded?
RIWI’s common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange (“TSXV”) under the symbol “RIWI”. The TSXV, a subsidiary of TMX Group (which also owns the Toronto Stock Exchange), is the most successful public venture capital exchange in the world. The TSXV is a Canadian exchange recognized and regulated by the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) and the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC). It operates nationally in Canada through applicable rulings and exemptions of other security commissions. RIWI shares are eligible to be traded in the United States under the symbol RWCRF. The Depository Trust Company (DTC) is a US company that manages the electronic clearing and settlement of publicly traded companies.
What is RIWI’s fiscal year-end?
RIWI’s fiscal year end is December 31.
How do I contact Investor Relations?
Who is RIWI’s transfer agent and how do I contact them?
The Registrar and Transfer Agent for RIWI is Computershare Investor Services Inc. of Toronto, Ontario. Computershare may be contacted at:
Computershare 100 University Ave, 8th floor Toronto, Ontario M5J 2Y1 T. +1 416-263-9200
Where is the certificate number and what does CUSIP # mean?
The certificate number is located in the upper left-hand corner of your certificate. It is a unique number identifying your certificate. The CUSIP # is located in upper right-hand corner of your certificate and is used by the securities industry to uniquely identify each company respecting its stock.
What is RIWI’s CUSIP #?
RIWI’s CUSIP number is 749601 10 0
How do I trade on the TSX Venture Exchange?
You may work with any stockbroker you choose whose firm is qualified to trade on the TSX Venture Exchange.
If you are using an online Brokerage platform, enter the name of the TSXV-listed company you want to trade. If you are unable to access information regarding that stock, call your broker to see if they offer trades on that stock.