Results of a New Healthcare Confidence Index
RIWI-powered peer-reviewed paper in Electronic Healthcare: “Results of a New Healthcare Confidence Index” N. Seeman. Electronic Healthcare, 10(4) 2012: e5-e11
RIWI-powered peer-reviewed paper in Electronic Healthcare: “Results of a New Healthcare Confidence Index” N. Seeman. Electronic Healthcare, 10(4) 2012: e5-e11
In an academic editorial, RIWI CEO Neil Seeman reviews the promise of ‘smart data’ in healthcare in Eric Topol’s book, “The Creative Destruction of Medicine: How the Digital Revolution will Create Better Health Care” (Basic Books, 2012).
In a peer-reviewed academic journal, RIWI CEO and Researcher Neil Seeman reviews the limits and benefits of social media analytics in manually scoring sentiment on open-access blogs, using the case study of changing public opinion in Quebec to IVF-funding policy in 2010: Seeman, Neil. “Funding IVF in Quebec: Mining the Web to Assess Public Support for Policy Change” ElectronicHealthcare, 9(4) 2011: e3-e6.
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In an academic editorial, RIWI CEO presents data on whether a random sample of real North Americans — i.e., those who do not belong a stale group of repeat online panel respondents — believe faculty tenure at Universities helps or hurts commercialization in Canada or in the United States.
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